Welcome To The Gulag News Dickson campaign

The Gulag-News campaign page for the electorate of Dickson.


Welcome to the Gulag-News campaign page for the electorate of Dickson. You are probably here because you have read one of our flyers and are wondering what you can do about the alarming intrusions of Queensland government into our lives as a result of their panicked over reaction to the COVID virus. We are living through very disturbing times where the norms of our democracy are being dismantled.

No matter whether you think the COVID injection is a good idea or not you should be appalled to see this medical intervention forced on people who do not want it. And make no mistake they are being forced, it is no free choice when your government wants to destroy your life and livelihood if you will not accept the medical procedure. This is against the Nuremburg convention.

Australians have always been responsible for their own health and should be able to make their own decisions, in consultation with their own doctor if they see fit, with regard to vaccination, mask wearing and whether they want to go outside or not. If you think these things are a good idea you are quite at liberty to do them. We have always been able to decide for ourselves with what we eat, what medicines we take and if we exercise or not. Now is the time to make a stand, if we allow these alarming enforcements to continue without objection they will be emboldened to micro-manage every aspect of our lives - what we do, where we go and who we meet. We must take a stand now if we want to avoid this totalitarian future.

We will be holding protests at 10-30am on the 2nd Saturday of each month until the election around May next year. outside Peter Dutton’s Strathpine office and bring as many people along as you can, if we can’t raise a significant number of people he can afford to ignore us. This will be a peaceful protest of about 30 to 45 minutes duration to allow the maximum number of people to assemble, you can bring appropriate signs and banners if you wish. If we don’t take a stand now it will be too late. If Peter Dutton thinks his seat is at risk he will hopefully address our issues. If he does not, we the people will let him know what we think at next year’s election!!

Please keep in touch with this website for updates on the protest and for the details of subsequent protests, nominally on the second Saturday of each month if they are required. Please make time for this if you possibly can, the future of our democracy for you and your children is at stake.

Source: The Gulag News

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